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Hearth & Home

Ingredients: (This recipe makes 4 servings)

16 oz Apple Cider
6 oz RallyPoint Rye Whiskey
Ground Cloves
Cinnamon Sticks
Chocolate Bitters (I used Fee Brothers Aztec Chocolate Bitters)
Ground Nutmeg


In a small sauce pan, heat the cider, whiskey, (1-2) cinnamon stick, and two dashes ground cloves.  Heat until it’s just a bit too hot to drink.

Divide into 4 glasses.  Add two dashes Chocolate Bitters.

Garnish with cinnamon stick (can also be used to stir) and ground nutmeg on top.

Enjoy as it cools and warms you up!

I love the cooler days and spectacular colors of Fall and I wanted a cocktail that embodies the feel of a warm fireplace and the comfort of home on a cold day. This drink contains two of my favorite things: apple cider and whiskey.  Growing up in Michigan (incredible fall foliage), I’d say, conservatively, that I drank at least a swimming pool’s worth of apple cider over the years.  It’s hands down the best non-alcoholic drink on the planet.  And when you heat it up, add some fall spices and whiskey, you get a drink that’s perfect for warming up those wonderful cooler days of Fall.


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